Schooling Services

School is an integral part of a child’s life and has a tremendous impact on cognitive and social development.  Understanding a child, as he/she navigates the many challenges of daily life can aid parents and teachers to provide proper responses that can have long lasting positive effects upon a child’s self-esteem.  With parents’ permission, our clinicians work closely with teachers, school counselors, and other collaterals to facilitate communication for the benefit of the child.


School Consultation is aimed to provide support and practical suggestions for teachers, administrators, and other school personel. Job effectiveness and satisfaction could be enhanced through a coordinated process of identifying and understanding issues of concern and collaborative problem solving. This can further aide educators to help increase the academic, behavioral and emotional adjustment of children. Many members of our group have been trained with extensive emphasis on working with schools and providing school consultation.


We value working closely with schools and have developed and provided diverse after-school programming, including a Community Building after-school program. Through fun, interactive, and educational activities, the Community Building program guides kids in fostering skills essential to building confidence, healthy relationships, and strong communities. We incorporate activities that allow children to build friendships, gain greater understanding of themselves and others, and demonstrate kindness and pro-social behavior. All activities are created with children’s cognitive, emotional and developmental needs in mind. Our curriculum has been carefully designed for school-aged children, and can include accommodating lesson plans for classroom teacher training and participation.


We recognize that teachers today may face a plethora of unique challenges. Along with staying on top of academic requirements and lesson plans, they are often confronted with the added pressure of managing and providing for a variety of emotional needs of their students. For example, our Fifth Grade Teacher Workshop was developed to address ways to support teachers and students who must confront and overcome academic pressures, hormonal changes, as well as the rigorous and emotionally fraught Middle School selection process. The workshop incorporates both the psychoeducational and consultative model. Teachers are provided with necessary tools to respond to this Fifth Grade experience and are also given an opportunity to participate in a discussion tailored to the needs of the teachers themselves, and the students in their class.


Children spend half of their time in school. Often children experience learning and/or behavioral challenges that impede their learning. Assessing a child’s strengths and weakness through classroom observation as well as comprehensive evaluation can greatly aide in helping children achieve their full potential. Our clinicians conduct school observations in order to provide hands on strategies and effective classroom intervention.